jeudi 25 juillet 2013

e.l.f's eyeshadows review

Hiiii ~

Sorry for not having done it sooner but I didn't get a lot of time for myself recently and the heat is just totally killin' me, it's just like hell, it's exhausting me a lot and make me look totally messy just as you can see on the following pix.

Don't even get the courage for a heavier make up nor falsies nor styling my hair...
(look at my fingerz, exactly what I said in my last entry, knackis)

My only hobby during summer is : 

Finally, my first make up review !

So, first of all, for those who don't know it, e.l.f is short for eyelipsface an american's make up and cosmetics brand. It's really really cheap and for the price, the quality isn't that bad. Since I'm poor gal, almost all of my make up come from that brand so, you probably will get a lot of reviews for its products, which wouldn't be bad since 80% of the time, color on the website doesn't match the real colour.
Here is the american website :
I gave you the american one because at the bottom, you have a link to the website for each country they sell to.
Overall, I really do like this brand for its cheap prices and not that bad quality, too bad that on the french website, we don't have as much choices as on the american ones (and the prices are also higher, not fair !).

Anyway, today, I'll take about the duo eyeshadow cream and the duo eyeshadow (powder) in butter pecan color and the essential eyelid primer.

So, first, the essential eyelid primer.

It was my first primer, so I couldn't really make any comparison but I'm totally satisfied with this one. Well, I have a greasy and oily skin on the face and I sweat easily also. Before, my eyeliner never stand more than one or two hours before I look like a panda and now with this primer, it can stand all day even on hot or rainy days. Except if you use liquid eyeliner which is not waterproof, really really bad idea on summertime... But if you use a khol, crayon or gel eyeliner or even a liquid and waterproof eyeliner, you should have no problem with this prime. Of course, I said should since it's only based on my own experience. Anyway, for only 1box, you really lose nothing to give a shot ! 

Sorry for the bad colors on this pix, but for these two products, the colors totally match the ones online. I will start with the cream one that I applied first (after the primer). I totally fell in love with, the colors are really beautiful and the two colors on the duo match perfectly for a nude style. The pigmentation is good and the texture is creamy, smoothy but some people can find it too greasy and shiny so to fade it a bit you can apply above the duo eyeshadow in powder which is pretty good also. I adore these two products and each one only costs 1 box, cheapy cheapy, nyappy me ! And the quantity is really reasonable, I've already seen much less quantity for much expensive pricey. The only con that I can find it's the smell for the cream one, don't really like it at all. But nevermind, a little minus for a lot of pros ! Once again, you can easily give a shot regarding to the price of it if you're looking for chesnut's tons eyeshadows.

Here's the make up I did with, really light one coz I'm too lazy and can't stand heavier make up on such a heat

And to finish today's entry, a little SELCA ! 

4 commentaires:

  1. Ooo, the primer looks really good! You're really pretty in your photos, by the way. Hehe~ ^_^

    BTW, I've got an Etude house giveaway going on, if you're interested! C: Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. Yeah, it totally is ! If you have 1$ to spend, you can try it, I think you won't regret it ! And sankyuu (ノ)´∀`(ヾ) even I really do think that summer makes me look so messy haha !

      Of course, I'll have a look on it, sankyuu for the tip ~
